Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Russian Dance Routine Representing "A Melange of Ethnicities" ???

Watch Russian figure skating couple skate IGNORANCE at the 2010 Winter Olympics...
They begin by shaking their heads and arms around...Like buffoons. A few spins and some exquisite skating later, Russian celebrity skaters Oksana Domnina and Maxsim Shabalin take buffoonery to a new level. Half way through the routine he begins to skate her away by her ponytail... A few more expert spins later the dynamic duo go into a head bobbing session that would make a bobble head on the 401 jealous... There is some more head and hair grabbing...Some arm flailing, jumping and what looks to be a "tribal"mounting??? A great flip, spin into a kick and then a stop. Dumb faces darkened by make up stare into the crowd with a look of the Aboriginal ancestors??? Or a look of ignorant, uneducated, inbred skaters???

Hmmm. Tough One. I am not sure I saw right,did he slap her in the beginning of the "routine"? It is apparent that this expert skating couple has no clue about life, humanity or why this would be offensive. It's unfortunate because I would hate to see another racial stereotype rise up in supporting the belief that certain people or certain cultures are ignorant to the point of stupidity...

* Sigh. So what is all the fuss about??? Take a look.

Courtesy of Youtube

To think a couple so talented would only use brain cells on executing a triple sow cow rather than think of the type of people they are and the messages they send to the world. To say that this routine was a "melange of ethnicity" is even more indicative of how unintelligent these two adults actually are. To perform a routine such as this and to use a few internet clips as your "research" is not only poor planning but poor judgment. To insult the Aboriginal peoples of Australia and the world AT THE OLYMPICS is pretty sad, what is sadder is to then say this is what you think of everyone who doesn't pay for a tan...

This couple is obviously talented.The skating was very good.

They had performed this "routine" before and knew it was not considered acceptable yet they did it again...A "toned" down version this time.

While some think this is funny...I think Oksana Domnina and Maxsim Shabalin and their "Aboriginal routine" are a good argument for birth control. The music was not Aboriginal, the outfits were not Aboriginal and the movements were out of Disney's Jungle book...NOT ABORIGINAL. Could anything be more offensive?

Oksana Domnina and Maxsim Shabalin...Great Skate guys! You really did your parents, Russia and the Olympics...proud...

Are they for real??

Oksana Domnina and Maxsim Shabalin met with Aboriginal leaders. They made amends by exchanging gifts. The Aboriginal leaders gave the pair authentic Aboriginal blankets. The skating duo wore the blankets proudly that day...

While the blankets may not cover up their stupidity, I am glad they received a gift that has an equal IQ.

You can watch the full routine here...

Or check out a practice run of Oksana Domnina and Maxsim Shabalin's brilliance...

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